GRI # Disclosure 2022 Response
Management approach
103-1 Explanation of the material
topic and its boundary
Please refer to page 56-57 for further detail.
103-2 The management approach
and its components
Please refer to page 56-57 for further detail.
103-3 Evaluation of the
management approach
Please refer to page 56-57 for further detail.
GRI 205: Anti-corruption
205-2 Communication and training
about anti-corruption
policies and procedures
Please refer to page 56-57 for further detail.
GRI # Disclosure 2022 Response
Management approach
103-1 Explanation of the material
topic and its boundary
Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
103-2 The management approach
and its components
Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
103-3 Evaluation of the
management approach
Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
GRI 305: Emissions
305-1 Direct (Scope 1)
GHG emissions
0.00 tCO2e - Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2)
GHG emissions
966.59 tCO2e - Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3)
GHG emissions
28,868.07 tCO2e - Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Please refer to page 23 for further detail.
Economic disclosures
Environmental disclosures