As trusted experts across risk, performance improvement, leadership, technology
and more - our standards for excellent governance come through boldly across
every client engagement. Our cross-functional expertise helps clients address
governance issues across their businesses' lifecycles and develop transformative
regulatory compliance and reporting programs.
Proactive strategies for CSRD across industries
The new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires greater
disclosure on sustainability and financial reporting, compounding ESG compliance
issues for all EU-based companies in all industries.
AlixPartners has a multistep approach for preparing businesses for CSRD reporting,
including thoroughly assessing readiness through a materiality review of all ESG
topics and customizing applicable strategies for how to close gaps.
Where the E & G meet in ESG
AlixPartners provided one of the world's largest leisure and hospitality companies with environmental
compliance and corporate governance support to complete a 5-year environmental compliance monitorship.
For the last year, AlixPartners provided assessment and improvement recommendations across the
company's risk management, technical compliance, and sustainability functions. For the latter, AlixPartners
identified areas for additional measurement and reporting to provide a more cohesive ESG footprint and
proactive risk management across the organization.
Helping our clients better detect high risk trade
AlixPartners has worked across sectors to protect trade corridors from professional money laundering
syndicates and other organized crime groups. In one instance, our Risk Advisory team used data analytics,
paired with strong partnership across government agencies, to identify over $1 billion per annum in
potentially mis-invoiced trade. This work continues to generate new operational insights that allow custom
agencies, law enforcement and other private sector partners to protect their businesses from high-risk
operators in a post-import environment.
Where the S & G meet in ESG
Measuring corporate reputation risk for clients, a
hand-in-glove offering that enhances both social
and governance positions
When a leading industrial design company faced
reputation risks, AlixPartners worked closely with
their team to develop a capability to scan the
landscape for emerging risks, mitigate specific
risks that could impact their businesses locally and
globally, and reinforce their brand in market.
Our AI and Data team developed a tailored, trusted,
and tactical platform to identify risks, their potential
impact, and recommend actionable steps to
respond and systemically improve while capitalizing
STUDY on opportunities to build their brand compared to
competitors. The platform enables understanding
how stakeholders such as labor, investors,
subcontractors, regulators, and communities view
a company - and analyses such as trends across
geographies. This escalates 'S' from something
that leaders passively form different subjective
viewpoints on into a systematically thorough and
data-driven business capability.
Now, our client has the necessary tools for quickly
responding, managing, and mitigating reputational
risk, is building their brand in market to grow
their business and remain an employer of choice,
attracting top talent to their firm.