What should people starting their careers be looking for in terms of
corporate culture?
01:55 | Stephanie Cohen
I was quite deliberate about where I started my career, in a place where I thought I was going
to learn from amazing people, it was going to be an amazing institution, and that my values fit.
Pretty early on, everyone starts asking you, who's your mentor? I realized that there just wasn't
a perfect person who I was going to emulate. I said, I'm actually going to pick many people.
And I think it took a lot of the pressure off trying to find who is the woman who has exactly
done what I want to do. And so, I was never stopped by the fact that person didn't exist.
02:23 | Simon Freakley
I love this concept of having many mentors, that it isn't one person. And that's been my
experience too. I've had many mentors in my life. I still have mentors in my life. We draw
different things from different people.
02:33 | Stephanie Cohen
Absolutely. Being diverse, actually, I think it's an enormous competitive advantage, if it's
almost all men and there's a lot of conference calls, you never know who's speaking. But every
time I spoke, everyone knew it was me. And so, I did think differently. Being able to bring a
different perspective and then being willing to actually articulate that, I think is tremendously
value added.