How do you catalyze transformation when your business is successful?
01:56 | Simon Freakley
Transforming successful organizations is so much more challenging than distressed
organizations because often there isn't a compelling reason to change. And so, I always think,
you know, don't waste a crisis. You can use something as a legitimate reason to change.
02:07 | John Noseworthy
That's very well said.
They had to realize there was an issue. It was a matter of helping the whole organization
recognize that when there's so much downward pressure on revenues, you actually have to
run it like a business. We were a little dusty in the way we did things, nostalgic - we've always
done it this way, but why have we done it that way? And so, our quality, our performance, our
safety, our business performance, our financial performance, patient satisfaction, staff
satisfaction, engagement of our staff, all became top decile. And then were in a much better
position to help more people.
Transformation, if well managed, when it's successful every member of the organization sees
how their part plays out. There's tremendous gratification and the purpose of their work
becomes manifest.