02:04 | Simon Freakley
So, there seems to be an abundant amount of literature now to show that diverse groups of
people, diverse companies do better, whether it's more diverse from a gender point of view,
from a racial point of view, any aspect of diversity. From the boardroom, what do you see
companies getting right? And what do you think others could learn from those that get it right?
02:22 | Dambisa Moyo
So, I think it's an evolving process. The fundamental point that we need to appreciate is that
for many companies today, their ultimate consumers are diverse, regulators are diverse,
shareholders are diverse, and businesses, especially for global businesses, which operate
around many jurisdictions around the world, therefore the people that we engage with are also
diverse. And so having a boardroom that doesn't reflect an international flavor, or differences
in race and gender, I think is actually an Achilles heel.
We do need to understand how businesses are operating in these arenas and I think the best
businesses are very cognizant of the need to have those additional voices and different
perspectives. And part of that process is understanding that traditional CVs, whether people
have come through a C-suite, may not be the only path to fill board seats. We may need to
look beyond that and to look for people, certainly like myself, who didn't come through a
traditional route to try and get into that talent.
03:22 | Simon Freakley
And the evidence is compelling, isn't it?
03:24 | Dambisa Moyo
Yes, it is.
03:25 | Simon Freakley
03:26 | Dambisa Moyo